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Case statement for vb6

22 Mar 15 - 20:14

Case statement for vb6

Download Case statement for vb6

Download Case statement for vb6

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In any case, program control will resume with the statement following End If. Example: If sngNumberOfCredits < 12 Then. lblStatus = "PART-TIME STUDENT".

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case vb6 for statement

Runs one of several groups of statements, depending on the value of an expression. The basic structure of a conditional statement block in Visual Basic is: complex nested If statement blocks may better be expressed as a Select Case block.The Select Case statement is another way to test what is inside of a variable. We tell Visual Basic that we want to start a Select Case statement by simply using Visual Basic supports a Select Case statement that handles such multiple-choice conditions better than IfElse. Here is the format of the Select Case statement:

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Mar 19, 2011 - Re: how 2 use switch case in vb6. Posted 20 March 2011 - 12:18 PM. Its too easy and same like Switch case statement. General Syntax for Dec 21, 2011 - You've written your select incorrectly. Try the following: Select Case numericDay Case "1", "21", "31" suffix = "st" Case "2", "22" suffix = "nd" Case "3", Jul 14, 2001 - How to use the Select Case statement. James first started this website when learning Visual Basic back in 1999 whilst studying his GCSEs. ElseIf statements, this can make it difficult to read the codes. Therefore, the Select Case control structure is preferred when there exist many different conditions. In this lesson you will learn about the Visual Basic Select Case (Switch Statement) Statement, and also about the operators and case sensitive issues.

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